We are
constantly under attack, especially our children. The sad thing about it is that in
most cases we have given Satan the right to operate in our lives without even
knowing it. There are books about the occult for sale everywhere, our TV
programs, video games and movies are saturated with the occult and even our
schools are under attack with New Age teachings. Society has made most of these
things normal and acceptable. Bloodline curses are busy destroying our families and
because of the continued sins committed because of these bloodline curses it
will continue to destroy our families. Society is busy falling apart and we
don’t even know it, because Satan got it right to lower our standards and make
us accept a standard of living far below what God intended for us.
So in what
way are we being infiltrated? Let’s look at the basic stuff. Pokémon and Harry
Potter for starters. It begins as “fun entertainment” and leads to anything but
fun. We have watched it and our children are watching and playing it.
So what is
wrong with Pokémon? The whole concept of Pokémon is based on clairvoyance, to
call on spirits, to engage in magick and mind control, which is the
introduction to more dangerous stuff.
20:27 A man or woman who is a medium and has a familiar spirit or is a wizard,
shall surely be put to death.
Pokémon is
short for “pocket monster” and get carried with you where ever you go. Every Pokémon
has a unique magical power that can grow and become stronger. As long as the
player has Pokémon power they “will be able to do anything”. The child becomes
the master. The child learns to accept unthinkable behaviour as normal. If you
cheat with a Gameshark you can for instance catch a Mew. Another monster, Gengar,
has the power to curse a Pokémon-player. So not only does it teach our children
to cheat,
but also that you can curse someone with the help of magick. The
game also encourages gambling. Pokémon has a lot of New Age and occult
characteristics. The theme of Pokémon is “to get everybody”. This can lead to obsessive
compulsive behaviour. These games manipulate the child’s feelings, thoughts
and emotions, until the personality of the child changes. Already in
many schools the game has been banned because of the problems it has caused. In
Tokyo about 700 children started having convulsions, nausea and other symptoms
while watching Pokémon on TV, some had to be hospitalised. TV Tokyo made it
compulsory to have a safety warning during the screening of any future Pokémon
What about
Harry Potter? The whole story centres on witchcraft. It emphasises personal power,
but it is personal
power away from God. 1 Tim 4:1 warns us about deluding spirits. Why
is Harry Potter so dangerous? In the first place it normalises the occult. It
introduces people and children to magick and Wicca (a modern pagan witchcraft
18:10-12 There shall not be found among you any anyone who makes his son or
daughter pass through the fire, or who uses divination, or is a soothsayer, or
an augur, or a sorcerer, 11Or a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard, or a
necromancer 12For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord.
I think that
says it all!!!Then there is Dungeons and Dragons, a fantasy game. Players get taught how to curse people and how to interact with demons. The producers of Dungeons and Dragons have acknowledged that the game is full of magick. There are many other things Satan is using to corrupt our children such as Quija Bord, Magic: The Gathering, heavy metal and rock music (Black Sabbath, Metallica, Marilyn Manson) with definite occult teachings in there lyrics, TV programs such as Bewitched, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Sabrina and so the list goes on and on. All things we accept and even love in today’s society. I used to go to a Punk/metal club and yes the people do not wear black to these clubs for no reason. The whole atmosphere in clubs like that is one of DARKNESS. The first couple of times it freaked me out and then I became one of the regulars. Just like that it became normal. We used to say just because we wear black doesn’t mean we are Satanist, but we didn’t know that we were playing with fire.
How do you know that your child is
playing with fire:
Here are
some warning signs:
change in clothing, black/dark make-up, black clothes
of occult material
to heavy metal/occult groups
their rooms when they are not at home
remember that as their parent you have the fullest right to interfere in their
lives. As long as they live under your roof, your rules go. If you suspect
something, INVESTIGATE,
it may just safe your child’s life. If necessary force your child to get rid of everything
that has to do with the occult. Another lie Satan is telling parents is that
our children have rights. Yes they have the right to be loved, to be safe and
to be children. They DO NOT have the right to destroy their lives by
getting involved with the occult. It is our jobs as parents to make sure our
children survive the onslaught of Satan. Parents DO NOT BE AFRAID!
1 JOHN 4:4
……..He who lives in you is greater (mightier) than
he who is in the world.
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