I got to think about life as I knew
it as a child. I realised that in t
hose days TV was still very young. There were still movies and magazines that weren’t allowed to be showed or sold. Pregnancy out of wedlock was something to be ashamed of. Living together before marriage was an absolute no-no. There were still family values. Fathers were the head of the family and his word was the absolute. Wives respected their husbands and children kept quiet in the company of elders. The family was protected, women were protected and children were protected, by the men of this world.
hose days TV was still very young. There were still movies and magazines that weren’t allowed to be showed or sold. Pregnancy out of wedlock was something to be ashamed of. Living together before marriage was an absolute no-no. There were still family values. Fathers were the head of the family and his word was the absolute. Wives respected their husbands and children kept quiet in the company of elders. The family was protected, women were protected and children were protected, by the men of this world.
Today men seldom are the head of the
family, most of the time they are missing in action. Women don’t respect men
and definitely won’t submit. Children rebel and disrespect every authority
figure in their lives. It is the norm to live together and pregnancy out of
wedlock is an unfortunate mistake to be dealt with, definitely not something to
be ashamed of anymore. There are no more values in our society. People look out
for nr 1 and if your conscience bothers you, you squish it.
So where did it all go wrong? In my
opinion it fell apart the day people let go of good old Christian values. Men
let go of their role as providers and protectors, women refuse to submit to men
they don’t respect anymore and children will not obey parents whose lives are
falling apart. No wonder our society is falling apart. I mostly blame our
non-existent men.
God gave men the authority to rule.
Women were given to men as helpers. Together they were supposed to rule.
Instead men ran away from their responsibility as leaders and women were forced
to become the leaders. Men weren’t made to run and women weren’t made to lead
and therefore our society won’t work.
One of the mistakes I made in my
marriage was not submitting. I thought about it very hard and eventually I
realised that even if my husband did not take his role as leader in our house
seriously, I still should have submitted. I should have put my trust in God and
not in my husband. I did not know God, so I could not put my trust in Him. What
I did, is put my trust in myself, because I could not trust my husband to be
prophet, priest and king of our home. So you see even though I did not know the
Word of God, I still longed for a prophet, priest and king in our house. It’s
because we were made that way. Today men use that wired in longing to be the
leaders to abuse the people they were made to protect. Women do not abuse
themselves, they get abused by men. Whether it is physically, emotionally or financially,
women are dependent on men. It is right that women depend on men, but not on
men who have been abusing their power as the stronger sex.
Why did I not submit (and I think
this is the case with many women) to my husband; because he wasn’t leading.
Instead of being mothers, helpers and caregivers, we have been forced to become
providers and protectors. Most men have no manners and values anymore. A while
back a friend and I came to the conclusion that even if we could get married
again, we won’t. We are better off on our own. The men we would be interested
in are taken and committed to their wives and families and amen to those men!!!
The rest just don’t cut it. We would rather put our trust in a God we cannot
see, than in men we can. The Bible says do not be yoked unevenly. I never
understood that, but now I do. Do not be with someone who doesn’t know God.
Why? Because when you know God everything in your life you will do according to
God’s Word and then you have a chance at making a success of your life, job,
marriage, etc.
I teach my children that if they want
to have a good marriage, they should choose a partner who loves God more than
them. I teach my children that it is right that they love God more than they
love their father or me. I am teaching my son to be a prophet, priest and king
in his home and my daughter to see submitting to her godly husband as something
that will make her stronger and not weaker. I teach my children to always look to
God as their source. Everything begins and ends with God, Abba Father.
What does it mean to be a prophet,
priest and king?
Eph 5:25 “For husbands, this means
love your wives, just as Christ loved the church.” Christ was a prophet, priest
and king to the church.
To be a prophet means to represent God in your
home. You have to speak the Word of God into your family’s life. You
have to provide biblical instruction and training to your family. You are God’s
messenger to your family.
To be a priest means to represent your family to
God. It means to meditate on God’s Word, spending time in prayer and
finding out what it is God wants for your family.
To be king means to be responsible for your
family. You are the leader of your home. You have to protect, secure
and provide. You have to lead with justice and mercy, wisdom and respect. Act
with honour, treat your wife with respect and consideration and be a spiritual
leader to her.
How can men and women lead and
submit? We were created that way; men to lead in a godly way and women to
submit to godly men. We were created equal, but
with different qualities. Together we form a unit, made to rule on earth.
God created men for relation and
vocation. They are the logical thinkers who express
what they think. Men receive what they hear
as information; they take interest in the abstract
ideas, remembering the essence of the idea. They are wired to fight and
work. They think like fighters and workers. That is why they are the leaders.
Women were made to support and help
men; to be a companion, to share a man’s vision and help fulfil it and to be
adaptable to her husband. Women were made to be processors
of problems, ideas, etc. They were made to
conceive, invent, develop, produce, protect and nurture and multiply what they
were given. A woman will reflect
whatever she gets from the man back to him. If it is love, he will get love
back. Lack of love will also be reflected back to him. Women were made to have
love expressed to them on a continued basis through affectionate words and
gestures. They are the emotional feelers; she expresses
what she feels. She receives what she hears
as an emotional experience and remembers and is interested in the concrete details of something.
Women and men were made different and
therefore they have different primary needs.
Women want
love, conversation and affection, while men want respect, companionship and sex. When we do not give this to each
other we lose the battle, not only in our marriages, but in every aspect of
life. It is time that our men get back to basics and become what they were made
to be. It is time that society starts producing men again whom women can
respect and children can look up to. It has to start with the men. They need to take
their rightful place as godly men up. Then the order will be restored and the rest
will follow. Women will become nurtures and helpers again and children will become
secure and cared for. The family will become a united unit again and our
society will become whole again.
I want to challenge the men of today
to find out what God intended them to be and do. I also want to challenge the
women to find out what God intended when He said we must submit to our
husbands. When we get our god given roles straight I promise you we will start
to see a renewal in our marriages and family life. Until then all we will see
ia a society of broken marriages, lives and broken children.
I agree wholeheartedly! This was the downfall. Of my 24 year marriage marriage.