What is the
definition of adultery?
Adultery means sexual
intercourse between two people, one or both of whom is married to somebody
else. When two people are having an affair, both parties involved are
committing adultery, even if one is unmarried and unaware of the marital status
of the other person.
How common is adultery?
Various surveys conducted in Western countries have
suggested that at least 40 per cent of married people have had adulterous sex.
There seems to be general agreement that it's more common for husbands to stray
than wives – although wives are by no means innocent.
Types of adultery:
Paid for sex – having sex with a prostitute
One-night stands
Swinging – marriage partners swopping
Orgies, threesomes, ectr
Serious love affairs – falling in love with
someone outside your marriage
Human beings will
often convince themselves that what they are doing really doesn't matter, or
doesn't mean anything, or has done no one any harm. Well you are WRONG!
Adultery has painful consequences, affecting the adulterer physically,
emotionally and spiritually. However it is not only the adulterer that gets
affected, but his/her partner, the children, family and friends.
Your relationship with God would suffer. Adultery is one of the Ten
Commandments in the Bible. The Bible makes it clear that adultery will not go
unpunished – “that he will surely die”. In the Old Testament times, it
literally meant to be killed. Today you will still die, but it won be
physically, but spiritually. You will inherit eternal death, unless you make
right with God.
causes loss
of trust and intimacy in a marriage, often leading to divorce.
reputation will suffer – it is almost always a very humiliating
damage done to the spouse – emotionally and sometimes physically. Your
partner will have a long and painful road to recovery, often having to receive counselling.
In rare instances it can lead to violence – murder and physical abuse due to
children would be broken, hurt, deeply disappointed and bewildered.
In case of divorce it will have long-term consequences for the children. Your
relationship with your children will suffer due to the fact that you aren’t a
“full time father/mother” anymore, demands from your mistress/lover, emotional issues the
children have to deal with ea. anger, conflict between divorced parents. Children
of divorcees also are twice as likely to have problems as adults with mental illness,
substance abuse, and failed relationships.
The disappointment of friends and family in you as
a husband/wife and father/mother.
loss of your
Severe guilt, fear, anxiety, shame
Losing your self-esteem/ self-worth. Often
adultery happens, because a person is looking for self-worth, and he/she might
find” it” for a while in the fantasy heshe involved themselves in, but when the
reality of what he/she did eventually hits him/her, he/she ends up losing what little
self-worth and often self-respect he/she had left, due to quilt and shame.
Adultery can also lead to feelings of
guilt, insecurity and jealousy in the mistress/lover. In some cases,
this "third person" may encourage conflict and divorce (either openly
or subtly), between the adulterer and his spouse, by way of negative
reinforcement of the adulterer’s reasons for starting the affair in the first
place. If the cheating spouse has hinted at divorce in order to continue the
affair, the mistress/lover may also feel betrayed if that does not happen.
(particularly if it was after an office party)
Health problems due to stress/guilt.
If adultery leads to divorce,
it carries financial
burdens. Legal fees, higher
living expenses. Often the divorced spouse simply cannot afford medical aid
cover or a pension fund/ life cover.
Emotionally Bondage – soul ties get formed which could have serious
spiritually consequences for the adulterer and also for other people he later become
involved with sexually. An adulterer can literally be controlled by his/her,
mistress/lover through ungodly soul ties.
Satan would be thrilled
at your failure. He would make sure your shame/guilt never depart, which will
eventually turn to anger → bitterness, un-forgiveness → causing you to turn
from God → loss of hope/ depression → spiritually or even physical death
· This same sin might be visited
upon your family for four generations. Your legacy could be leaving a Generational
Curse for your children and their children to deal with. Often they
will not even be aware of the curse that has been brought upon them by what you
have done and because they only “know that infidelity has always been part of
their family history”, they will not know how to get rid of it, thus leaving
the legacy to continue, destroying life’s from one generation to the next. So
in the end you will not only have destroyed your own life and the lives of your
family, but you have doomed the rest of your generation to a possible
spiritual death.
As a
survivor of adultery myself, I can’t even begin to tell you of the devastation
and hurt that is the result of this kind of betrayal. So many people get
affected by this ONE act of selfishness.
Not only is it a selfish act, but in
my opinion one of the cruelest things one person can do to another person. A
spouse who is caught up in adultery is living only for him/herself. They are living
a life of fantasy and deception, ignoring the very real consequences of
infidelity. Infidelity will absolutely destroy your life and marriage. Looking
at the very real spiritually consequences as well and what it can do to your
soul, it is JUST NOT WORTH IT!
does the Bible say about adultery?
Exodus 20:14/ Deuteronomy 5:18/ Matthew 5:27/
Matthew 19:18/ Mark 10:19/ Luke 18:20/ Roman 2:22/ Roman 13:9/ James 2:11 "You
shall not commit
Deuteronomy 22:22 “If a
man is found lying with another man's wife, they shall both die, the man who
lay with the woman and the woman. So you shall purge the evil from Israel”.
Leviticus 20:10 “The man who commits adultery with another’s wife, even
his neighbor’s wife, the adulterer and
the adulteress shall surely be put to death."
Proverbs 6:29 “So he who cohabits with his neighbor’s wife (will be tortured
with evil consequences and just retribution); he who touches her shall not be
innocent or go unpunished.
Proverbs 6:32 "But whoever commits adultery with a woman, lacks heart
and understanding (moral principle and prudence); he who does it is destroying
his own life.
Proverbs 27:8 “Like a bird that wanders from her nest,
so is a man that strays from his home.
Mark 10:11 “And He said to them, whoever dismisses
(repudiates and divorce) his wife and marries another commits adultery against
In conclusion: I think it is safe to say that a person thinking of/or
committing the sin of adultery is a FOOL. Not only will
he/she destroy their marriage, but they will destroy themselves.
If you are busy committing adultery, make the choice and stop it NOW.
Break the soul ties that keep you in bondage.
How to break a soul tie?
(Call the name of the person and say), I cut my soul tie with you today,
in the Name of Jesus Christ. I am no longer yours and I can live without you.
You will no longer have me. I separate myself from you and give my soul to
Jesus who will join me to another man/woman in a holy marriage for His glory. I
break the covenant between you and me and renounce you out of my soul. Between
you and me there is no covenant.
It is always better if you have a church leader to make sure all your
ties are broken, so if at all possible get someone to sit with you when you do
break soul ties.
Make the decision today to stay true to your marriage vows and if you
have already betrayed them, ask God for forgiveness and ask Him to renew you
marriage and your relationship with your spouse. God never intended
for people to sleep around. Marriage is SACRED and you should do everything in your power to keep it sacred.