Friday, 5 July 2013

Anger - Is it worth it????

Anger, what a destructive emotion. About a week ago my ex accused me and my family of being bullies and basically people with no hearts. All because they didn’t like what he was doing to me and weren’t scared of showing it.

We grew up as what some people will call ‘boertjies”. We came from an Afrikaans farming community with a relatively conservative upbringing. He grew up in an English household and from what I have seen, a more liberal upbringing. My family have always been straight forward kind of people. We don’t beat around the bush, we stick together and we are loyal. Oh sure we have our fights, but family have always been more important and we always sort our problems out. We can be brutally honest, but that is exactly what made the bond between us so strong. We know exactly where we stand with each other. We don’t hesitate to tell each other the truth if we think it is in the person’s best interest. I can honestly say that there is not one single thing between me and my family at the moment. We have dealt with all our issues. As far as I know the same goes for the rest of my family. We love each other and therefore we do not let society’s rules, stop us from protecting each other in which-ever way necessary.
My ex’s family from what I have seen, do not like to step on each other’s toes. I could never understand it, because how do you truly get to know someone if you are not honest with them about how you feel. I can understand it when it is someone outside the family, but when it comes to family you should be able to be honest with them about stuff. In the end that’s all you have in this world, your family. They don’t say blood is thicker than water for no reason. True I think they dealt with a lot of stuff, but there have also been things they have never dealt with or took so long to deal with that it caused so much unnecessary pain and division. In Afrikaans we have a saying “Moenie ‘n moordkuil van jou hart maak nie”. It means to say and do what’s in your heart, that way there can be no misunderstandings.

My ex told me a while back that he is angry with me and he hates my family.

I think that says it all. My ex is angry with my family, because he feels they treated him like an outsider. Right from the start he felt that they looked down on him. Whenever we visited them, he would put on this mask, portraying someone he wasn’t. He never allowed them to see the real person and because my family aren’t stupid they picked up on the fact that he wasn’t who he wanted them to think he was. Now I ask the question, what would you have done it you were in their situation? Together with that was the fact that in the first 10 years of our marriage he had about 10 jobs and we moved probably the same amount of times. We constantly had to go to them for financial help and my sister picked up on the fact that I was a nervous wreck. All he was showing to them was this man that wasn’t giving his wife any security and who tried to con them into thinking he was someone he wasn’t. Considering how tight we were, can you blame them for getting antagonistic towards him? By not being open with them, he chose not to be part of the family. By not trusting them with his feelings, he chose to become an outsider. Can he really blame them for protecting one of their own? Is his anger and hate towards them justified, if he was the one that cause the antagonism with his attitude?
As to being angry with me, that is another mystery to me. Wasn’t he the one that made the choice to go outside our marriage? Did I force him to make that choice? Did I initiate divorce procedures? Was I the one that refused to give our marriage a chance by not giving us a chance to correct our mistakes? Is it my fault he finds himself in a corner now, having exhausted his options? Is it my fault he isn’t seeing his children as much as he could have? Did I force him to move out? So why is he directing his anger towards me? Why is he using our children to get back at me?

Again I think this says it all. Is it fair that he should blame me for the consequences of his choices?
Six months ago I was at a place where I was angry with my ex for putting our family through all the hurt, with the world in general because it was a miserable place to life in and with God for allowing all this to happen to me. It brought a spirit of hate, bitterness and unforgiveness into my life which completely destroyed my peace of mind. It was busy destroying me. Round about that time I read a book about anger. The author said we get angry because of our inability to control people and their actions which in turn results in our goals not being realised. I didn’t really need to read the book, because several of my friends basically told me the same thing, I just chose not to listen to them and I had to deal with the consequences of that decision. I realise that the only thing I have some control over was God’s purpose for my life. I didn’t have control over His purpose for my life, but I had control over how it will play out in my life. I could choose to defy Him, but the last year was testimony to what that defiance would bring to my life or I could chose to let go and let God. I had to forgive my ex and his lover because that is what God demanded from me. I also had to ask for forgiveness for blaming God for my miserable situation. I had to face myself and forgive myself for my part in the failure of my marriage. It meant being brutally honest with myself. It wasn’t easy and it wasn’t something I enjoyed, but it brought peace and freedom. I had to make a choice to life for myself and make my own rules or to follow God’s rules.
The last 6 months is testimony to why it is better to follow God’s rule. He knew what He was doing when he put the guidelines to life in the Bible. After all He is our Maker, why should He not know what is best for us. What makes us think that we know better, when our lives are testimony of what happens when you walk away from God? You only have to look at the world to see how unqualified we are to make the rules. It is in our sinful nature to destroy; nature, relationships, each other. God is the only One that can heal and fix what we have chosen to destroy.
If you allow anger to fester, it WILL destroy you, your life and everyone around you. The only way to deal with anger is to make peace with yourself first and second to make peace with your enemies. To forgive!!!!!!!!!! Have the guts to turn to yourself and fix your mistakes. Allow God to make you a new person. It is not always easy and it takes a lot of hard work. Not work in the sense of doing something, but work in the sense of putting all you faith in God’s plan for you. It is hard work to keep the faith. Every day we get bombarded with attacks from Satan to try and destroy our faith. You have to work hard at keeping you armour in place. How do you do that? With OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S WORD. How do you obey God? By getting to know Him, talking to Him and listening to His voice.
In the end it comes down to another choice. Do you let go of your anger and live or do you hold on to it and allow your soul to die a slow miserable death. Some people don't have the guts to look at themselves, but in the end they will carry the consequences of that form of cowardice. Their life will show the fruits of anger, bitterness and hate. Those who have the courage to take the leap of faith and trust God to show them who they are and allow Him to change them will show the fruits of peace and joy in their lives.  
Trust me when I say that hanging on to anger, how justified, is not worth it in the end. It will destroy you. It will waste valuable time.


  1. well it really sucks for me to be single again, especially after my wife of 15 years cheated on me which i was a very caring and loving husband that was very much committed to her as well. most of my friends are settled down since they were very fortunate to have met a good woman and have a family like i certainly would had wanted as well, and now that there are so many very mean women out there these days meeting a real good honest one is very hard for me. women are definitely much more nastier to talk too today, and they will walk away from me when there is a woman that i really wanted to meet. but then again, i know other men that certainly have the same problem too. i feel as if God is really punishing me from having a love life again, and i don't know why.

  2. Hi Anonymous

    I understand completely how you feel. I went through periods of such anger and bitterness, but in the end I realised that all it does is take my peace away. The best advice I have for you is to let go and concentrate on your life now. Forget about woman for now and use the time to find yourself. I have made a lot of woman friends and we hang out together a lot. I never realised how much of myself I lost in my marriage. Also with every passing day I realised that the marriage I was in, wasn't what God planned for me. It wasn't build on the Biblical marriage God intended for us to have and I can see now how much it killed my spirit. Work on your relationship with God and remember that what happened to you wasn't God's fault. Read books about spiritual warfare and you will come to realise how Satan uses our weaknesses to destroy our lives and that he is particularly interested in our marriages, because marriages is God's building blocks of society. You cannot change what happened, but you can use this to become a better person. Anger and bitterness will only destroy your life, the people around you,s lives and your peace. Try and make peace with what happened and allow God to send someone to you, that will be the kind of wife you deserve. I am waiting patiently and in the mean time I am spending time with God, with myself and with my children. Do not allow yourself to think that another person will make you happy. Only God can do that and once you realise that you only need God to be happy your whole life will chance. Take the focus off a new relationship and focus on God and everything else will eventually fall into place. Good luck and remember God doesn't take something away without giving double back' but He won't give it unless you are ready for it. You don't want to walk into a new relationship with all the baggage of your old relationship.
