Walking into the course I knew their were a couple of things I still needed to lay to rest. Most of it I have already buried but not deep enough. Buried also isn't really the right word, because I didn't bury it as in never to deal with it, but buried it as in I worked through it and made a tick behind it.
Well I closed and sealed the doors on those things, with the blood of Jesus Christ, never to open it again. Wow what a feeling!!!!!! I forgave and released all the people that I still needed to forgive and release and it really does set you free. I have learnt to put all the people that have hurt me in the past year and a half in the River of Mercy and I have learnt to Bless them.
Small things that bothered me like smoking I have stopped. I could not do it before, but this weekend with God's help I just stopped and I feel great. I learnt how special I am to God and how much He wants to bless me. I have also learnt that the only way that God's blessings can be released in my life is by total obedience. For some people obedience is too much, but why would you separate yourself from all that God has for you, just because you cannot obey a few simple principles. I am living proof of God's faithfulness when you obey Him.
With this blog I want to thank all my beautiful friends and family for all your support in the last 18 months. You walked the path with me, helping me dry the tears, carrying me when I just couldn't walk anymore and holding me when time and time again I had to endure the cruelties of divorce. All my family at church, you are the best. Together we are still going to rock this city. To my ex, thank you for helping to open my eyes. I wish you and your future wife all the best. To my future husband, I will be to you everything I wasn't to my ex and you will be the godly leader in our house I so desperately needed and wanted. I look forward to spending the rest of my life getting to know you.
Tomorrow exactly 1year and 6 months ago, to the day, my life fell apart. Today I can truly say it is FINISHED!!!!
A last word to all the people whose trust in their partner has been destroyed:
Yes it is the worse thing that can happen to you, BUT if you allow God to fix this for you, you will look back at the best time of your life. So I hated school, but looking back I had some of the best times of my life at school. The same goes for the breakdown of my marriage. I hated it, but looking back I had some of the best times of my life in the last 18months. If your attitude is right and you HOLD ON to God it can turn out as the best thing that has ever happen to you.
Strong's and remember there is life after divorce!!!!
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