Wednesday, 22 April 2015

The WOW Factor!

I was lying in bed the other night checking the Minions Fan site on fb and it occurred to me how easy I laugh these days. It's as if a huge weight had been lift off my shoulders.

Up until 3 years ago, my life was ruled by stress. Stress about money, people, my life and my work. It took the break up of my marriage to change the course of my life so drastically, that I sometimes feel like pinching myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.

Oh I have the same problems as before, but it just isn't so big anymore. There is this lightness in me, that makes it possible to face everyday with a smile on my face. No problem seems too big or too impossible anymore. Things I use to fear, don't scare me anymore. The things I use to stress about, no longer worries me anymore. People and the things they did to hurt me, don't bother me anymore. What I want, just isn't so important anymore. I have a new focus and joy in my life. Peace is my constant companion.

It all started to become a reality the day I gave my life to Christ again. Before, I knew of God, but I didn't know Him. This time I was like a sponge soaking it up. Pain, hatred, bitterness, loneliness and desperation forced me to look at my life and I didn't like what I saw. I was on my knees and all I could do was call out to God.

He told me I was loved and beautiful. He promised me I will not be desolate anymore. He promised to heal and provide. All He asked was that I accept what His Son did for me and that I come into His rest. That I allow Him to care for me. It took me a while to fully understand it, but now that I do, I have never before felt so at peace.

I used to in a sarcastic way thank my ex for leaving me and giving me my life back. Little did I know how true those words will be. Only now I am not sarcastic anymore, but so truly thankful for the direction my life went. God really does change every bad situation into something truly beautiful for those who love and obey Him. I have no words to describe God and what He did for me, but awesome, faithful, trustworthy and wow are just some of the words that comes to mind when I think of God.

God truly is the only God that breathes life where there were death, makes new that which were old. I love God and I am not ashamed to say it. I have just finished a parenting course and they left us with what they call the 5 smooth stones to give to our children.

1. To teach our children to suffer well. In an unfair and corrupt world, God is good and still in control.
2. To teach our children that work is sacred and a calling from God.
3. To teach them to manage their lives wisely - God owns everything (money, time) and He will hold you accountable for what you did with what He gave you.
4. To teach them to make wise choices - God's Word is the absolute truth and His laws is for our protection.
5. To teach them to live in God's grace - failure is never final with God.

It hit me afterwards how easy it is to obey God. He MADE us to be obedient to Him. It is all wired into our DNA. All you have to do is choose who you want your master to be. God's grace is so huge, you don't even have to do it alone. He gave us the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen us. I look at people who have chosen satan (people who chose themselves, money, the world, ectr) to be their master and I see them run from one relationship to another, one job to another, chasing money and people in an effort to find happiness, always coming out looking for more, feeling empty and I feel so sorry for them.

The answer is in us, but we have chosen to ignore our spirit man and rather run after our natural man, opting for instant gratification instead of long-term peace and eternal life. Satan has gotten it right to fool people into thinking they are in control of their lives, fooled us into only seeing the here and now and in the process we miss the bigger picture. So many people will die still empty and feeling unfulfilled, not understanding what was the purpose of their lives.

In the end we were made by God, for God and only when we get that, will we understand and live our purpose. You can kick against the truth of that as much as you want, in the end you will still walk away empty and unfulfilled. That hole in your life and your soul can only be filled by God's spirit. Only then will you be complete.

In the end you need to ask yourself what is the WOW factor in your life. What is it that, despite living in a corrupt and unjust world, makes your life absolutely awesome. If you don't have an answer, you need to sit down and ask yourself what it is that other people have, that you don't have. What is it about life that they get and you don't. What is it that makes them suffer well, makes them love what they do no matter what it is and allows them to make choices with a positive return. What is it that makes people who are facing poverty, death and all kinds of hardships, say my life is absolutely awesome. What is it about their lives that makes it awesome, when yours aren't despite all you have.


  1. I tripped across your blog a few days ago and felt like you have been following my life around for the past year! I have been experiencing very similar circumstances since August - 2014 and feel like this roller coaster is never going to end. We had been married for 23 years and together for 25 when I found out he was unhappy. It was another 4 months before I discovered that he was having an affair. The only key difference is that our only child was 19 at the time I found out our family was falling apart, and she had been raised in a Christian home and her father was one of the leaders in her children's department in church when she was younger. Since my daughter is considered an adult she has been able to voice her disgust, disapproval and anger at her father for having an affair and breaking the Christian values that he helped instill in her. Unfortunately, he is blinded by the lies that he is telling himself regarding his decisions. He is angry that she will not talk to him at this time, and doesn't understand why she can't just be okay with the fact that he "thinks" this new relationship is what will make him happy. The woman that he had the affair with was also was in a long term marriage at the time. They have set themselves up for a life of heartache, but that will not be my problem.

    I have been having a very hard time letting go of my marriage because he still tells me that he loves me and does miss me, but he can't go back. I have taken this past year to reflect on my life. I have sought counseling and studied the Bible and prayed more than I ever have in my life. I feel this past year has helped me become a better person than I have ever been. My relationship with God is stronger than it has ever been in my life. I have always been a very strong, independent person and have finally learned how to give up control. I now know that I am in control of nothing, and only by the grace of God have I survived this past year. I do not harbor any anger or bitterness towards my still husband at this time. I just truly feel sorry for him and know that he will never be happy until he fixes his inner problems, and stops looking for someone else to determine his happy. He has strayed far from God and I know that is why he has lost his joy in life.

    Your blog has helped me realize that I will survive this! I have also discovered that I have had a hard time in letting go of my marriage because I do not fail well at anything. I am a fixer and just keep hoping that I can "fix" him and the old him is deep down in there somewhere. If I met him today the way that he is right now I would not even be his friend let alone date him. I think I have finally come to the point that I can let him go, because I have realized that the failure of our marriage is his....not mine! I have done everything I could in this past year to salvage my marriage, but he has made no attempts at reconciliation. He will not even admit that what he has done is wrong. His family is very passive and just hopes that he will figure it all out. They do not talk about their problems with each other and thus would be why our communication had fallen apart in he past few years. He can not handle any type of conflict and thought that this would all just play out and I would not be so hurt in the process. He is riddled with guilt, but will not seek any type of professional help. We are proceeding to divorce and that makes me very sad, but I know that is what I need to move and finally heal.

    I have the most amazing daughter in the world! Even after all the pain that I have gone through in this past year I would marry him all over again knowing that I would have my daughter at this time in my life.

    Thank you for sharing your life with us the past few years! It has really been a beacon to me at this time.

  2. Hi yes we could have had twin lives. Everything you described happened to me. I battled for a long time to stopped thinking about him constantly, but I found breaking my ungodly as well as godly ties with him helped a lot. As for your daughter please encourage her to forgive her dad, if she havent already. It is so important for her to be able to move on with her life. As for your husband there is nothing you can do but pray for him. I also tried until a friend said to me to stop throwing the precious pearls God were giving me to the swines. She said I must realise that satan blinded him and I found that the more I tried the further I pushed him from God. Know this: God is soooo faithful. Not once did He let go of me and now I am at a place where I can honestly say that God really does change a horrible experiences into something so very beautiful and precious. Stay strong and keep your eyes on God.

    1. I just want you to know that I appreciate you taking the time to journal your journey. I have just been praying for peace these past several weeks and have asked God to please give me a sign that I need to let my husband go. Reading and re-reading your blog this past weekend I feel that God has used you as an instrument to give me my sign and I have peace for the first time in a long time. My daughter has a very kind hearted and I know that she will forgive him; she is just trying to get past all the hurt and betrayal he too caused her by lying to her also this past year. The part that is the hardest is knowing that the person you loved and raised a child with could hurt your child so much. You can mess with me, but don't hurt my daughter!

      It has just been very inspiring to know that God is good and that there is true happiness after all the sorrow:)

  3. I am so happy that my journey could help you. Our emotions is good because God gave them to us, as long as we don't use them to sin. Ask God to protect you and your daughter's emotions. Also remind her that although her natural father is not perfect, her heavenly Fathe iis and will always be everything to her, her natural father isn't. Stay teachable and one day your story will also be a blessing to someone else for the glory of God.
