Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Fear vs Faith

Fear is the one thing that drives most people. Last year I listened to a radio show where Carol Singleton spoke about visions that she and other Christians all over the world had. In it God told them that a new season had arrived. It is the season for the restoration of families. If I have to put everything that I have learnt and saw in the last year together, I see this as the preparation for the last battle between the forces of darkness and light. God created the family in His image and He gave the family authority over everything. Satan knows this and that is why our families are under attack. The family is God’s government. God works through the family because the family is the bricks of His Kingdom and also of society in today’s life.  He will start to restore relationships in families like never before. It begins with you, the individual, not your family, the church or the government. God created us with a need to be part of a family, physical and/or spiritual family, but we have to change first before God can bring restoration in our families.  

God wants to build His House using the family, but our foundations needs to be strong. Fear, un-believe and un-forgiveness are the ways Satan uses to destroy our foundations. God in return uses trials to strengthen our foundations; God places you under pressure so that your foundation can turn from sand to precious stones. Stand still for a minute and look what your foundation is made off: sand, rocks or precious stones. Remember pressure on sand will turn sand into a precious stone. A friend of mine that walked with me through my trials last year said to me once that after every trial I go through God gives me a precious pearl. Every time I had to endure I came out of it with a precious lesson I learnt which changed some ugly part of me into a precious pearl. Isn’t it amazing how God uses the hurt Satan causes in our lives to make something beautiful?  I decided to work with God and in a way I think that helped speed up my transformation. I believe that if you work against God’s will for your live, you make life difficult for yourself and you waste precious time. In the end you will not be able to change God’s will for your life, you will still get to where you are supposed to be, the time it will take you to get there will just be a lot longer.
Isaiah 54:11-13 O you afflicted, storm-tossed and not comforted, behold I will set your stones in fair colors and lay your foundations with sapphires. And I will make your windows pinnacles of agates rubies, and your gates of carbuncles, and all your walls of precious stones. And all your children shall be disciples and great shall be the peace {and} undisturbed composure of your children.

God builds with precious stones, but Satan builds with sand (fear, un-believe and un-forgiveness). Every time there is a storm your house collapses. The minute you trust God, you are safe, because God wants you to prosper.  John 10:10 I came that they may have {and} enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). Un-believe= insecurity and fear. Just because you have made the choice to fear something, it doesn’t mean you are in control of the situation. God doesn’t speak through fear, so when you fear you will not be able to hear God’s voice. If it feels like you don’t do anything when you trust, know that that is where God wants you. He will do it for you. Also remember to believe in God doesn’t mean that you can take a risk on God. Get to a place where you do not need a sign from God, a place where you feel safe and have peace, despite your circumstances, knowing that God is in charged. “Peace destroys the authority that establishes chaos.” (Arthur Burke). Peace is a weapon that God gave us. It destroys the power that chaos has in our lives. When you fear you lose your authority in the spiritual realm and you lose your peace. Release what you have inside of you; that which is from God and the situation will submit to it.
The spirits that work with the spirit of fear are the deaf and dumb spirit and a spirit of bondage. The minute you fear, you can’t hear God and you can’t talk about the truth of God’s Word anymore and then you will start to feel in bondage. Satan doesn’t come with only one little spirit to you, he comes with an army. He will attack you in several different areas in your life and he comes in full force.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm [and} well-balanced mind {and} discipline {and} self-control.
The next time you fear, turn around and start to praise and worship God and see what that does to the fear you are feeling.

Jeremiah 15:19 Therefore thus says the Lord [to Jeremiah]: If you return {and give up this mistaken tone of distrust and despair], then I will give you a settled place of quiet {and} safety, and you will be my minister, and if you separate the precious from the vile [cleansing your own heart from unworthy and unwarranted suspicions concerning God’s faithfulness], you shall be my mouthpiece.
1 Peter 5:8 “the devil roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger}” – trying to scare us. We have to overcome our fears. If we don’t we will become wounded bitter people who cannot forgive. You cannot have peace if there is bitterness and un-forgiveness in your heart. You will have to deal with your hurt and bitterness in order to gain peace.

God wants to build in you and build through you, but He can only do it if you have peace. God is the Prince of Peace. You must get to the point where you do not live in reaction to the people around you. Un-forgiveness and bitterness keep you in a place where you live in reaction to the people around you.
Isaiah 54:10 For though the mountains (it also speaks of places of authority) should depart and the hills be shaken {or} removed, yet My love {and} kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace {and} completeness be removed, says the Lord, Who has compassion on you.  

Keep your focus on God and not on what is going on around you. The minute you take your eyes and focus off God, you give Satan a chance to distract you with his lies.

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