Tuesday, 7 May 2013

My Children's Hurt and Confusion.

I am feeling so sad today. Looking back over the last year, I realised what my ex and I have done and is still doing to our kids. It breaks my heart to see how our divorce is affecting our kids. Everyone says children are resilient; they will get through this just fine. Will they really? I think that is just us adult’s way of justifying what we are doing to our children. How many adult people are there today that had their family rip apart by divorce that aren’t sitting today with the scars?

Every time my ex and I are having one of our battles, I see the affect it has on my children. My daughter suddenly don’t want to let go when I drop her off at school, crying. Do you know what that does to a mother’s heart? Do you know what it does to a mother driving home crying because you can’t fix your daughter’s hurt?  Do you know how desperate it makes me feel that my son is lying to us because he is too scared to tell us the truth? Too scared to tell us how he really feels, because then we might not love him anymore. Too see the conflict he experienced because he is in the middle of his parents mud-slinging.  Parents that hate each other and blame each other for the choices they made. Parents who’s angry with each other because their lives are in shambles and whose fault is that? Is it the children’s fault, your ex- partner? No it is your own fault!! You made the choices in your life, no one else.
Why is it that a child has to suffer because we as adults can’t accept responsibility for the things we do? Who’s to blame when you badmouthed your ex, who’s to blame when you and your ex can’t control yourself in front of the children, screaming and shouting horrible things to each other? My God this is two people that made those children making love to each other, two people that stood looking at that new born baby in absolute wonder, two people that watch that first little unstable step he /she took, two people who couldn’t wait for that first little word. We were given this responsibility by God and what did we do? Not only did we allow our marriage to fall apart ripping our children’s lives apart, no we didn’t stop there. We had to take it a little further and destroy the other person with our hate and bitterness over something that was our own fault from the start and as an added bonus we will “sommer” take our children down with us. If I can’t have him/her, then you won’t either. Do we really deserve to have children then?  

It is the same as killing that child. Killing the spirit of that child, destroying him/her emotionally and all because two supposedly adult people cannot sort there shit out. Two adult people that carry so much hate and bitterness with them, that they cannot for the sake of their children sit down and come to an agreement. When will we wake up? When it is too late, when the damage has been done, when we have lost the love and respect of our children? We are fighting for our children’s love, when we already have it. Isn’t it ironic that in the end we will lose their love, fighting for it. Lose their love, because they cannot love someone they cannot respect.
Well I have decided to stop fighting for their love. I was made to be their mother,  just like you my ex were made to be their father, to love them, to teach them and that is what I will do from now on. I will not let my feelings towards my ex drive my children away from me anymore. I will not allow myself to be pulled into hateful arguments anymore. Someone said to me the other day, that if you don’t reply/react to something, there is nothing to react to. That will be my motto from now on. My feelings will be that of someone who lost her husband to death. He is no longer there and she will remember the good memories they made together. She will be sad and she will miss him, but she will not be angry with him anymore.

I will see it for what it is two people that love each other but have been so hurt by each other that the only way they know how to deal with it, is to continue hurting each other. I will not look at what his doing anymore, but at how Satan is using him to derail me. That is what it comes down to. A spiritual battle between Satan and me. This morning a very good friend send me these Bible verses reminding me of my identity in Christ.

Ephesians 1:3, 17-23 “Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm”, “By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints.”
Ephesians 3:18-20 “Now to Him Who, by the power that is at work within us, is able to do superabundantly, far over above all that we ask or think.”

For a while I forgot who I am in Christ. I became the lost sinner without hope again. I took my children’s confusion and their reaction to it personally, forgetting that they don’t even understand what it means to take something personally. I was reminded today that I can do anything through Christ in me.
In one of my previous blog's I spoke about the Father of lies. Satan used my fear of losing my children and ran with it. He brought his friend the spirit of aggression, which invited his friend the spirit of unforgiveness and they invited the spirit of bitterness and rebellion and they stole my peace. Thank You J** for reminding me of my identity in Christ and how easy it is to get rid of these unwelcome visitors. I have my peace back. 
To my ex, if you read this:
  • I will not fight with you or allow myself to be pulled into a fight by you anymore
  • I will not allow anything you say to badmouthing me to our children, to affect my relationship with my children any more
  • I will not say or do anything re you to our children that will make them lose their respect for me any more
  • I will be the best mother I can be to them, supporting, protecting, teaching and loving them with my whole being.
  • I will grow up, accept my part in this fiasco, lift my head up and walk towards the future with the sure knowledge that I will not be doing it alone.
  • With God’s help this fiasco will be fixed and we will have a new family, because that is what my children deserve.
A father and mother under one roof, loving them, supporting them, protecting them and teaching them to be the best they can be by using the example they see in their parents, whether maternal or step.

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