Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Toxic People.

I have become aware of people with certain types of personality flaws over the past year that a person should try and avoid at all cost. Not because a person wants to be judgemental but because these types of people will pull you down and keep you down if they can. We all have some of these flaws to a certain degree as part of our personality, but some people are willing to look at themselves and change those flaws while other refuse to acknowledge that they even have these flaws and just won’t do anything about these negative and bad characteristics of their personalities.

First you get the arrogant-know-it-all’s. People who think the world revolve around their little lives and I say little because that is exactly what it is. They have reached 21 years and that is where they got stuck. They struggle through life looking for all the right things in all the wrong places. If they weren’t so blinded by their own importance maybe they would have figured it out by now. These are the people you can’t tell anything. They know a little about something, maybe due to work experience and now they think they know it all. Some of them had noble purposes in life, but because they choose to surround themselves with arrogant-know-it-all’s, it has rubbed off on them.  They don’t take criticism well at all, because that usually comes a little too close to the truth. Put a little money in the stew and suddenly they think they have the right as well to shunt people around. They like to demand instead of ask. No please and thank you for these people. I have no time for people like that.
You cannot talk to people like that. They won’t even consider your point of view, because they already know better. When they open their mouths they like to sound important. There is nothing more irritating than someone inflating himself and his own importance/knowledge. They often will take a situation/thought and twist and turn it until it suits their purpose, kind of take only what they want to make them look good or to justify what they do. Most of them will lie if it suites their purpose.  I think most of them are just little boys and girls trying to swim in the big old ocean, but sinking half of the time and because they already” know how to swim”, they won’t let you teach them. These are the people that will die one day and only their arrogant-know-it-all family will make the effort to be at their funeral. Despite all their efforts they will die one day without having made their mark in life.  We should feel sorry for people like that because despite their material wealth they are probably the poorest of poor.

Another type of person I want to avoid at all cost is the “Ja –broer” type. You get the plain and simple untrustworthy person. You know them, no secret about them. Then you get the person that will go through all the trouble of arranging something with you, agreeing to something or promising something, making all the right noises and at the last minute they back track with some stupid excuse that you can see coming from a mile is a lie. First time you might believe them, the second time you give them the benefit of the doubt and by the third time you’re just plain pissed off because you know they think you’re stupid enough to believe their bullshit and because they constantly waste your valuable time.  After that you should just accept its part of who they are and stop wasting your energy getting angry and your time trying to organise anything with them, you just pity them for being so ignorant that they think people don’t see right through them. These are the people that end up all alone because no one likes having a friend that’s no friend at all.  
Then there are the ticking-time-bombs. These people appear calm and collected, but oh boy they will explode at the slightest provocation. I say provocation with my tongue in my cheek. The one minute they will be smiling and the next they go off. Often over stuff that were their fault to begin with. They also can justify very well. Nothing is ever their fault. These are the people that will become abusive, physically and verbally, depending on their state of mind. Of course afterwards their violence was either your fault or a figment of your imagination. They will turn the situation around and make you the guilty one. In my opinion they are dangerous because you never know what will set them off. They are also dangerous because they can appear to be in control, but underneath they are a raging storm.

Another type to be avoided is the con-man. You never have disagreements with them because they never say anything to annoy you. They say what they think you want to hear. They sweet talk you into thinking they are your best buddy. They are basically just big fat liars. They will help you into the grave with a big fat smile on their face, making you feel good about your decent to hell. They know all the tricks in the book, only showing of them what they deem necessary to turn the situation in their favour. These people are selfish manipulators. They don’t care about anybody other than them self. It’s all about their needs.  If you are unfortunate enough to become friends with them, they will surely stab you in the back. Once you’re lying on the ground with the knife sticking out of your back, their ugly true persona usually shows itself. That will be a good time to kick oneself on the butt for being so stupid to be conned by them. A lesson learnt never to be forgotten again. Trouble with these people are that they are so good at what they do, having made it their mission in life to go through life riding on the backs of others, that the chances of running into one of them again and not knowing it is always a possibility. You also run the risk of becoming a cynic after becoming one of their victims. Do not let a few despicable people make you lose your trust in human beings as a rule.
Then there is the never-get-of-their-butt type. Some of these people just don’t have any vision or goal for their lives. The other side of the coin is the just-too-lazy-to-do-anything people. They want it all, but they want it the easy way, riding on the backs of other people. If you have to deal with these people you can be sure that sooner or later you will be labelled a nag. They will put of things until you eventually just give up and let it go. They don’t believe in the satisfaction of doing something for themselves. They cannot fathom the idea of working your butt off and at the end of the day standing back and experiencing the pride of having achieved something by yourself. It’s a completely foreign concept to them. They usually get something for nothing and eventually have the attitude that the world owes them. They are lazy people that will use people without feeling a twinge of quilt about it. On their own they will never achieve anything of value.

Negative people are also to be avoided. They will pull you down into their own pit of pessimism, negativity and depression. I’m not talking about people with real depression now, although these people can quite easily turn YOU into a totally depressed person. They have no hope and no faith. They complain about everything. They do not appreciate anything. They usually don’t believe in anything. They are the type that will build a home under their home, stashing it with food for just in case war breaks up. They don’t see the beauty in anything. For them the glass is always half empty. Do not let these people take the sunshine out of your day.
Then there are the professional- critics/judges. Everything you do or say is wrong. You will never be able to satisfy them. I think they are so judgemental because they feel so insecure. Don’t even try and satisfy them, because you will end up losing your own confidence. Any criticism from someone else is seen as a direct attack on them, doesn’t matter that it might be positive criticism. They will never be able to better themselves because they are so tuned into your mistakes that they cannot see their own mistakes.

Do not let other people’s attitude towards humanity and life in general, define who you are, define who and what you are yourself and live life to the fullest.

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