That is precisely what Satan doesn’t want us to know. God wants us to know the way Satan works, because only then can we live in victory. Satan will blind your mind to the truth. The answers to who Satan is, we get in God’s Word.
Man consists of 3 parts
Spirit Spirit Spirit
has a Soul Soul
will, intellect and emotions)
] Flesh
that lives in a Body
Bodythat lives in a Body
(1 Thessalonians 5:23, Hebrews 4:12, Deuteronomy 6:5)
God created us in His own image and that
is why we have a spirit, so that we can communicate with God. John 4:24 God
is a Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Our soul and body is what we know as the
Ephesians 4:22-24 says we have to lay
down the old and put on the new. So what does the old person look like?
Spirit ← Soul ← Body GodIn the old person we pull away from God. A person like this can become demon possessed.
What does a Christian look like?
Spirit ← Soul → Body GodThe day a Christian accepts God in his life, his spirit turns towards God. A Christian cannot be demon possessed, because his spirit already belongs to God. The soul and body of a Christian, his flesh, however still struggles to get rid of the old ways of thinking. Remember you grew up thinking a certain way about things, now you have to change those ways. We should strive to become
Spirit → Soul → Body God
Is it possible to become holy, yes
because God created us in His own image. We become holy by giving our spirit,
soul and body to God. God will purify us and we will become in the spiritual
realm more like God. Roman 7:22-23 tells us about the war that is going on
between what we want to do (spirit) and what we do (flesh). That which we want
to do we don’t do and what we do not want to do we do. How many times have you
decided to stop smoking, but you just can’t or decided to not lose your temper
any more, but before you know it you are screaming at someone again.
There are two dimensions, the spiritual
and physical dimension. The physical dimension is where we live now and is only
temporarily. The spiritual realm is where all of us will one day be. The
choices we make in the physical dimension will determine where in the spiritual
realm we will end. Now all over the world we see hierarchies, in our armies,
our governments, our businesses and also in our homes. There is a hierarchy in
the spiritual realm as well and it looks like this.
The Creator of all
God is love
1 John 4:8 He who does
not love has not become acquainted with God, for God is love.
We can give love to each other and take it away ea.
when we get angry with someone, but God cannot give love, because HE IS LOVE. He cannot take His love back. When you give your
heart to God, He steps into our life and soul.
Palms 8:5 Yet You have
made him (man) but a little lower than God and You have crowned him with glory
and honor.
We are princes and princesses of God. Do you believe
that? No because your whole life you had to hear what a wash-out you are, how
you will never become something. It is time that we look at how God sees us and
not how man sees us. It is time to start believing what God thinks of us and
not what man thinks of us.
On the same level as man we get the
Gabriel (Man of God) and Migael (who is like God)
Under the Arch Angels is the
Gerubs and Serafs
And under them the
Servants in the service of God to assist us
We ask God for help and He alone commands His angels
to help us.
(Hebrew 1:14, Psalms 91:11)
Ephesians 6:12 For we
are not wrestling with flesh and blood, but against the despotisms, against the
powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly sphere.
(appointed over countries)
(appointed over provinces)
World Leaders
(appointed over cities and towns)
Evil Spirits
(appointed over individuals)
Christians are so busy fighting over
whether evil spirits exist, that we don’t chase then away. A Christian cannot
become demon possessed, but he can become
demon oppressed. We all know of
Christians that just don’t seem to be able to live in victory or towns that are
oppressed by spirits of poverty, where poverty is at the order of the day and cities
like Las Vegas where spirits of pornography and addiction is rive. People always
say God is almighty, but the devil is mighty and that is why they live in
bondage, but look
at where man lies in comparison to Satan. We are above Satan, just under God. With Jesus in
us we have more power than Satan. Satan has already been defeated by Jesus
Christ. Satan cannot do anything to you and he cannot make you do anything.
What he can do is plant a thought in your mind, what you have to do is make a
choice as to what you are going to do with that thought. It is time that we
stop blaming Satan for the things we do and take responsibility for the choices
we make. Satan’s only legal right in our lives is to be under our feet.
does Satan attack us?
Satan uses lies to deceive us. The problem comes in because we have
learned to go look for the lie with arguments like “Ek is so gemaak en so laat
staan” and “the truth hurts”. John 8:32 And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. We tell little white lies
because we don’t want to step on anybody’s toes, but a lie is a lie. Another
lie is that we sin because it’s in our nature to sin. 1 John 3:8 He who commits
sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. 2
Corinthians 3:5 Not
that we are fit of ourselves to form personal judgements or to claim or count
anything as coming from us, but our power and ability and sufficiency are from
God. Anything we can think of comes from either God or Satan and if
it’s bad, it’s coming from Satan. 2 Corinthians 10:5 And we lead every thought and purpose away,
captive into the obedience of Christ. You have to capture every
thought and submit it to God. It won’t come naturally, because over the years
we have formed bad thinking habits. You have to learn and practise to submit
your thoughts to God.
how does Satan keep us in bondage?It all starts with a lie we choose to believe.
Your wife don’t love you anymore
You won’t be able to pay the bills
You are a bad father
The lie causes a spirit of fear.
Fear activate a spirit of aggression, we become frustrated, irritated, anxious, short tempered, ectr. It is now that you have to decide how you are going to react to that fear. Are you going to choose not to believe the lie and put your trust in God or are you going to allow stress to make you scream at someone. You are stressing, because you lost your job. A spirit of fear tells you, you are going to lose your house, you become anxious and irritated. Your wife comes in and tells you she forgot to pay the house loan. Immediately you get cross (spirit of aggression) and instead of taking your thought captive, you tell your wife how stupid she is. Now a spirit of aggression comes and sits on her shoulder telling her “Who the hell does he think he is telling you you’re stupid” If she doesn’t take her thoughts captive and submit it to God, she retaliates by telling him, he is a useless husband. Both of them has said things that hurt and if you are not willing to forgive your spouse, you are giving the spirit of unforgiveness a legal right to enter your life.
Fear activate a spirit of aggression, we become frustrated, irritated, anxious, short tempered, ectr. It is now that you have to decide how you are going to react to that fear. Are you going to choose not to believe the lie and put your trust in God or are you going to allow stress to make you scream at someone. You are stressing, because you lost your job. A spirit of fear tells you, you are going to lose your house, you become anxious and irritated. Your wife comes in and tells you she forgot to pay the house loan. Immediately you get cross (spirit of aggression) and instead of taking your thought captive, you tell your wife how stupid she is. Now a spirit of aggression comes and sits on her shoulder telling her “Who the hell does he think he is telling you you’re stupid” If she doesn’t take her thoughts captive and submit it to God, she retaliates by telling him, he is a useless husband. Both of them has said things that hurt and if you are not willing to forgive your spouse, you are giving the spirit of unforgiveness a legal right to enter your life.
Now you’re lying on your bed thinking of all the
times he said horrible things to you and enters the spirit of bitterness, followed closely by
the spirit of
rebellion. Rebellion against your spouse and
eventually against God.
God said in Matthew 28:19 Go then and make disciples of all the
nations. Satan does not want us to talk about God and if he can get
us to rebel against God, he has succeeded in shutting us up.
Another way he uses to shut us up flows from the
spirit of aggression, namely a spirit of heaviness (causes mood swings),
which leads to a spirit of depression and if the devil is
really lucky you will commit suicide, because life has
become just too difficult. Onve again he succeeded in shutting you up.
If Satan can’t shut you up with the spirit of
rebellion or get you to commit suicide, he uses another spirit. The deaf and dumb spirit.
way in which Satan uses this spirit is through epilepsy. (Matthew 17:14-18,
Mark 9:17, Luke 9:37) Another way is through accidents. Have you ever said to
someone you are accident prone. This spirit wants to kill you and will try by
bringing accidents over your path.
2 Timothy 1:7 says that God did not give us a spirit
of fear, but of strength, self-control and love. John
6:44 For he
(Satan) is a liar and the father of lies and of all that is false.
spirits he use is:
Once again it starts with the lie of Sexual
Molestation= Lust= Pornography= adultery= Perversion.
Spirit of rejection – according to medical
test a foetus can feel rejection 3 days after conception, your dad says I
wanted a boy, your husband says he doesn’t love you anymore, someone molested
you and he tells you it was your fault, because you are bad. It leads to fear
which lead to the lie of unworthiness.
Spirit of inferiority – you start to feel
like you are worthless, no one wants you, you’re a nothing.
Spirit of failure – nothing works out
anymore, marriage is falling apart, you’re losing your job. You start to look
for acceptance in all the wrong places.
Can you start to see how Satan uses our emotions
against us. If you feel like a dog, does that make you a dog. NO you are still
a prince/princess of God even though you FEEL like a dog.
Spirit of addiction/ bondage – you just want
to feel better about yourself even if it’s only for 2 hours – you start to smoke,
use drugs, get a lover and before you know it you are hooked.
Spirit of jealousy – why does my sister
have everything? Why is my friend’s husband so much more together than mine,
ectr It leads to pride and haughtiness. You get yourself into debt to buy a
bigger house and fancier car to compete.
Ancestral spirits - Free Masonry
– there top order are called Luciferians. Corinthians 11:14 For Satan
himself transform himself into an angel of light
Spirit of infirmity – sickness
Spirit of mammon/poverty
Spirit of hate and racism
How does Satan use the spirit of
lust and
adultery to destroy our marriages?
You meet someone and fall in love. You decide to get
married and now Satan tells you the first lie – It is ok to have sex outside of
marriage. When you have sex with someone your soul gets tide to that person’s
soul. You form soul ties. Genesis 34:2-3 But his soul longed for and clung to Dinah daughter of
Jacob. These soul ties also gets tide to every other person you
sleep with. When you sleep with someone outside of God’s law, you give Satan
the legal right to enter your life. So Satan uses these spirits to pull you
together outside of God’s law and pull you apart when you are married. Ever had
a fantasy of an ex-girlfriend while making love to your wife? It happens
because your soul is still tide to hers. These spirits curse your marriage and
will lead to the destruction of your relationship or marriage.
Another spirit Satan uses is the spirit of religion.
This spirit causes people to refuse to listen to new spiritual guidance,
condemn and criticise others without lifting them up, continually finding fault
with others without looking at themselves and these people are never content
and does not receive his brother. The Bible says you have to serve others
is Satan a killer of people?
Jeremiah 1:4-5 says that God appointed everybody as
prophets of the nations.
John 8:44 Jesus said: He (Satan) was a murderer from the beginning.
(Kain and Abel – the first murder)
John 10:10 Jesus said: The thief (Satan) only comes in order to
steal and kill and destroy.
So how does he do it in your life? You are 20 years
old and grew up in a house where you were told you were a nothing. The spirits
of inferiority, failure and rejection played havoc with your feelings and you
started mixing with the wrong crowd. Then a friend asked you to come to church
and you gave your heart to God. Your spirit turned back to God, but your soul
and body is still turned away from God.
A day after you gave your heart to God, your biker friends (remember you
made friends with the wrong crowd in order to feel better about yourself – no offense
to bikers. I myself loves riding a bike, but you get God fearing bikers and
then you get BIKERS) challenged you to down a bottle of rum and ride your bike
at 180km. You hear your dad telling you, you will come to nothing and you
accept the challenge. 20 Meters further you kill yourself against a tree. At
your funeral people say: “ God has given
and God has taken.” Is it God that took your life? No Satan took your life with
all the lies he told you about yourself. In Genesis 6:3 it says that God said
man will live to 120 years. Your mother of 50 years, have health problems and
die because the shock of your death is too much. Now Satan stole the lives of 2
people, prophets for God. Satan murder Christians by corrupting there flesh and
that is why people today don’t live to 120 years.
If you have evil spirits controlling your life, stand in your identity in Christ and rebuke them. If you don’t know how, talk to a spiritual leader. If Christians knew how easy it is to get rid of a spirit, none of us will be living in bondage anymore.
Warning: If you get rid of a spirit and you don’t stay close to God, that spirit will come back and bring seven other spirits with him. Satan is an opportunist and he will not let a chance go by to destroy your life.
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